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Frequently Asked Questions

My vision is to see more families being covered and taking ownership of their own financial planning.


Personal Insurance

If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Application Process

How much will life insurance cost me?

The premiums you pay your insurer are based on your age, gender, smoking status, and the amount of insurance you are setting up.

Do I need to provide evidence of health?

Yes. The assessment will be based on the answers you give in the online application form. It is important that you include any relevant medical information that you are aware of.

What information do I receive?

Once your policy has been set up, the insurer will send you your official policy document.

Medical and Lifestyle Factors

Do I need to see my doctor?

Usually not, however in some cases the insurer may request further information from your Doctor, send a nurse to complete an assessment, or ask you to have a check up.

Are my health assessments free?

Generally, yes. If an insurer requires further information (i.e. writes directly to your Doctor, sends a nurse for a consultation, or asks you to have a check-up) these visits are, in most cases, paid for by the insurer.

Does smoking affect my premium?

Yes, smoker's premiums are higher than those of non-smokers. Vaping, e-cigarettes, and nicotine gum are considered smoking.

Cancellation, Review and Changes

What if my circumstances change?

It is important that you keep us up to date with any changes in your circumstances. Please keep us informed of any bank account or credit/Debit card changes as well as updating contact phone numbers, physical, postal and email addresses.

How often should a policy be reviewed?

I will check in with you on an annual basis to make sure your cover is still relevant to your needs and lifestyle.

Can I add more insurance to my policy later?

Yes, absolutely. If it is within twelve months of when you initially applied for your insurance then a short health declaration can be completed, if it is after 12 months then a full application needs to be completed for the additional coverage you are applying for.

What happens if I change my mind?

Not a problem. If you decide you do not want the policy, you can cancel it within 14 days of receiving your policy document (this is known as the "free-look period"). A signed cancellation is all that is required. Any premiums paid during the free-look period will be fully refunded to you.

Claims Process and Coverage

What happens if I need to claim?

If you think a claim might be needed, please contact me straight away. I will then contact your insurer and get the claims process underway.

When does my cover end?

Your cover will end if you decide to cancel it or if you stop paying premiums. Policies usually have no expiry date (or expiry might be at a very old age - like 100) so you don't need to worry about your cover ending before you want it to.

Income, Mortgage Protection and Disability Cover ends at the selected retirement age (e.g. 65 or 70).

What is life cover?

Life insurance is a lump sum payment for if you pass away. This cover will also be paid out if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness and are likely to die within 12 months.

Policy Ownership and Payment

Who are the policy owners or beneficiaries?

You can choose the "policy owner" (this is the person that the insured amount is paid to if a claim is made). The policy owner could be you, or if you're setting up cover with a partner you can choose to have a "joint" policy, which means that you both own the insurance.

What are my payment options?

The most common payment options are Direct Debit or Credit/Debit Card, and these are the two options available with most insurers. By committing to an annual premium, it can attract a discount.

When will I make my first premium payment?

Not until after your application has been assessed and accepted.

Does my policy have a cash value?

No. Modern life insurance plans don't have any savings component to them, so your policy won't have any cash value. You will only receive payment in the event of a claim.

‘It’s an ocean out there, swim with someone you can trust.’


Financial Adviser

Hi, I'm Trudie and the founder of TruBlue. Your peace of mind is my top priority. I will guide you through the complexities of insurance with care and compassion, ensuring you receive the quality advice and support you deserve.  I can talk you through all your risk and personal insurance options.

My mission is to empower individuals and families with personalised insurance solutions, guided by integrity, honesty, and a commitment to putting my clients first. If you aren’t sure what you need - let’s chat.

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